I've been asked a few times how I got my threading water punch to look so good when used on my layouts. I made a set of instructions on how I do it; I hope this will work for you! If you have any questions or just find this helpful, leave a comment so I can help or celebrate with you. :)
1. Take out a scrap piece of paper (at least 3" by 11-12"- I used standard letter paper); punch all along one long side and once along a shorter side.

2. Using the shorter side of the piece of paper (or "short side of your guide" as I'll call it), draw a line along the top left side of your paper to be punched in pencil. Rotate the guide 90 degrees counter clockwise and draw another line on the upper left side.

3. Line the guide up in the corner and mark a circle that is equal in distance from both lines you have drawn, using the short side of your guide as a template.

4. Flip the paper upside-down and insert into the threading water punch. Flip the punch and paper (which is now in the punch) upside-down and line up the drawn circle with the first hole of the punch. Carefully hold the ensemble in place and flip back to right side-up. Punch. (*I find it helpful to add a line of adhesive to the same side as the pencil lines before inserting it into the punch. This way, when I have my paper lined up correctly, I just press the paper into the grid part of the punch. Then, I don't have to worry about losing my place while flipping the punch into the upright position.*)

5. Go back to the original corner. Once again, insert the paper and turn the punch over. Line up the hole, flip the punch back into the upright position, and punch. (*Now would be a good time to place your project over an unused corner of your guide and mark the exact position of your corner hole. Next time, you can just pencil in your corner hole and start punching away!*)

6. Use the long side of your guide sheet to determine how many scallops you need to achieve your desired length of scalloped edge on each side. Write the numbers of scallops on a post-it note and stick it on your work surface if you need a reminder. Always punch at least one and a half scallops over your desired length (leaving room to punch the other side).
7. Continue to punch along the side until achieving the correct number of scallops or until running off the edge. Repeat on the second edge. *Always make sure to line up the previous punched section with the printed guide on the punch
perfectly. A couple extra seconds to make sure everything is lined up is worth the effort!*

8. Line up the short side of your guide with your desired end scallop (the one that you want to be your corner) on the side you just finished punching. Mark a pencil line right at where the guide and the punched scallops intersect. Use a paper trimmer to cut straight along the line.

9. Once again, line up the hole by turning the punch over. Punch, and continue until you have punched your desired amount of scallops (so that you are even with the other side).

10. Repeat steps 8 and 9 on the last unfinished side until you need to make the last punch.

11. When coming to the end of the line on the last edge, flip the punch over to line up the holes from
both directions. The last hole will be difficult at first and a pain every once in a while, but getting it as close should be a piece of cake. (As you can see here, this one was
almost perfect. I should've gone slower to make sure to line up everything perfectly.) You can always cover it up. Lots of practice makes perfect! Good luck and enjoy your wonderful punch!

Scroll down the page for some great examples of how I've used the TW punch.